typing in numbers, no searching for records: CTI enables telephony without
media discontinuity,
not only making communication easier and more efficient.
It also ensures a better customer experience.
The little things are often the biggest time consumers. For example, if you want to call a business partner and first have to find his phone number and then laboriously type it in. The search costs time and the inevitable numbers the wrong way round cost nerves.
With computer telephony (CTI) you save both: time and nerves. You control your phone entirely with your PC. No matter if you want to accept, make or foward a call: all it takes is a click. You can pick up calls from colleagues or set up call forwarding just as easily.
CTI functions at a glance
On the 1st ring the caller pop-up shows you who is waiting at the other end. With a click you accept the call. Don't want to be disturbed just now? Then you can reject the call just as easily or forward it to voicemail.
Perhaps a colleague is the appropriate person to speak to? Then simply find the relevant contact and forward the call directly to the right addressee.
While speaking to a customer a question arises that only your colleague can answer. You want to answer the question, but of course, to bother the customer as little as possible.
No problem. With a click on the "Consultation" icon the search window opens: here you can access any internal & external contact. With your colleagues, you can see directly via the presence status whether they can take a call. This means no call attempt is in vain and your customer does not have to wait unnecessarily.
The XPhone Connect user guidance is designed so you always know exactly what to do. In the clean interface only the controls are displayed that you actually need.
An example: you want to connect a caller to a colleague. The caller is waiting on the line and you have the choice: do you want to set up a conference call? Transfer the call? Or speak to the caller again because you have already received the information you need from your colleague? All it takes is a click – and thanks to the talking buttons you know exactly where.
The phone on the next desk rings and your colleague is still in a meeting? No problem. With a click on the "Pick up call" icon you take the call. The caller pop-up is now displayed on your desktop and you can answer the call or, if necessary, forward it to voicemail or a third colleague.
You decide who can pick up your calls: you can assign the appropriate permissions to your colleagues directly in the Client.
You can make calls from practically any application using the hotkey function. Simply highlight the desired phone number and enter the pre-defined key combination (hotkey). Your Client starts the call straight away.
You can also directly activate phone numbers on
websites: if the numbers are hyperlinked, all it takes is a click. If not, you
can just use the hotkey.
XPhone integrates seamlessly into your key business applications: so you can start calls directly from Microsoft Outlook or HCL Notes as well as from your ERP or CRM system (SAP, Microsoft Dynamics, Salesforce etc.).