Informations actuelles

  • 08.01.2018 Employee mobiles become a potential risk

    Employee mobiles become a potential risk

    For companies, 2018 is all about the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): the entire processing of personal data must be scrutinised. A hitherto underestimated risk comes from the mobile phones of their own employees: company contacts transferred to the smartphone can mean a massive violation of the GDPR.

  • 06.04.2017 Software assurance at zero cost

    Software assurance at zero cost

    The Unified Communications manufacturer C4B Com For Business is launching an upgrade campaign: existing customers who upgrade to XPhone Connect by 30 September 2017 will receive 12 months of software updates free.



C4B Com For Business AG
18 rue de Londres
75009 Paris

+33 1 48 32 23 25



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