As a service provider for Europe-wide truck transports, Tirolia Spedition stands for speed and dependability. In order to deliver the service their customers expect, the forwarding company relies on a modern communication solution and a highly flexible IT infrastructure.
"Our employees access a terminal server via the All in One Client," explains Michael Lukasser, Managing Director of Tirolia. "This structure guarantees maximum reliability and flexibility with minimum maintenance."
To take full advantage of this flexibility, however, another key component was missing: "For a long time we have been looking for a softphone compatible with our infrastructure," says Lukasser. "When we heard C4B was launching one, we didn't hesitate a moment."
As an XPhone customer right from the start – the company has been using the UC solution since 2000 – Tirolia is one of the first softphone users. Hardware phones are now a thing of the past. Nowadays the forwarding company's approximately 70 employees make all calls via softphone. The telephone system serves merely as a gateway.
And the call volume is high at the transport service provider: "Our service team employs 60 people. Here alone there are 4,000-5,000 calls with about 100 hours of talk time. Every day."
For Lukasser, the benefits are clear: "We save on telephony hardware costs, and most importantly, we profit from complete flexibility in our operations."
"Every employee can literally work from anywhere. They always have access to all contacts, all data and all functions. To the customer it makes no difference at all whether the employee is here on-site with us or working from home."
To optimise customer service and streamline operations, Tirolia makes use of another XPhone feature: the Dashboard. Via its directory service, XPhone Connect is linked directly to the logistics solution – the heart of Tirolia's IT system.
Employees can immediately see key customer data from the system during the call: not only are the customer category and the customer number displayed. Staff also see if the customer is already using the Tirolia online service and, if necessary, can instantly give them their access data.
"Less cost, more flexibility, better service: XPhone is a win for us in every way."